Tuesday, July 24, 2012


 "In America the President reigns for four years, and Journalism governs forever and ever."

You would think by now I would learn that life isn't fair. Guess not, life is but a dream I don't know if I want to wake up from or not. How am I suppose to go through this everyday forever? The littlest thing can set me off and blow a house down like the Wolf. Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth? Probably, but do you know the meaning of them? The questions behind them, the subtext if I might add? 

If I don't know why I do or say things, why am I always expecting everyone else to know for me? Maybe it's something I need and don't know if I'll ever get.

What is forever? Merriam-Webster defines it as: for a limitless time. Limitless. Is this what we are after, a limitless time? That doesn't sound as magical as what I once thought forever was suppose to be. Do you want to live forever? Could you see yourself with someone forever? Why do we crave this forever

I'm just full of questions without answers and more questions on top of that. It's just a limitless time of the amount of questions and confusion I could possibly possess.

What do you honestly want from me world? Do I look like I know everything? Need everything? Want everything? Just forever leave me alone.

"The heart is forever inexperienced." 

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