Saturday, May 1, 2010


"Fighting is the first sign of love."

I was excited on April 30th thought he would love his gifts but it quickly faded with the same disappointed feeling that comes when he is involved. It's unbelievable the lengths he will go to be an insensitive ass. Does it kill u to accept a gift? I told Jaden we were gonna give his dad a gift and I get there and of course he won't open the door and even had the fucking nerve to not even let me leave it on his car. I can't believe a waste of money & gas was used so i can just keep making a fool of myself. Me acknowledging that it's his birthday is the end of the world while everyone else is free to give him a cake and celebrate with him. I hate that no wonder what he will always treat me like I don't matter, it's like our relationship all over again. Can't he stop being a non-caring ass cuz this whole not getting along shit is getting old. He never even sees Jaden out of the 4 days a month he takes him. At least when we got along he would come over and hang out with us. I wouldn't even care if he just went out with Jaden for a little bit since he doesn't wanna be around me.

When I woke up I had to cancel all the shit I had planned to send him. It fucking hurt but really I shouldn't be rewarding him with such terrible behavior. I also thought I was going to be stuck with a tint job (i dont have a car) but some people are just nice :) . The hard part was canceling the thing i ordered online but since he didn't get it i success-ed. God i would of looked like a tool. I'm really just angry how uncaring he really is. I hate going everyday with him not wanting me to talk to him, see him, or just be in his life. It's unbearable him never thinking about me or missing me. Stupid Ashley. He thought he had something special with her. 3 months of bullshit, lies, and cheating. Now all he does is pine over her and think about her. why? They had the lamest relationship ever. She never cared about him. Used him is more like it, he's such a sucker. And now he treats me like trash. It was never this bad before. Wish i knew how to give up but I can't when my feelings are to strong for words.

Love Stinks.

"Love doesn't come from finding that perfect person, but learning to love an imperfect person perfectly."