Sunday, April 25, 2010

immaturity at it's finest

Why my boyfriend felt the need to freak out yesterday over a song is beyond me. Pulling my hair back and grabbing the cable out was a little stupid. Though he topped it all off by climbing out the car window after tim told him to get out and calm down cuz he didn't want him around while like that. Then me and Tim spent a long time trying to find him in Chicopee. Tracked him down in South Hadley. I get out of the car and try to get him to back. Total déjà vu from when Jeremy use to leave me and i would chase after him. Then Fred just ran off and me and Tim did a cat and mouse chase after him for a good hour. Fred just didn't even care about me or Tim. He made his choice and had to find his own way home. He won't take any of my million calls/text. I was really worried about him. I didn't want to leave him. He won't talk to me. I wanted to sleep with him last night and couldn't. I wanna see him before I go home but I'm not gonna show up unwanted. I feel like this is gonna be the end. I wish he would let me know what's going on with us if there still is an us.......