Monday, December 29, 2008

Im bored

I'm so bored! There no school no daycare and Jaden 24/7 in my house not good. It is so messy theres no way I'm cleaning it to just get even messier tomm. I need to set an appt. for Jaden's daycare. He is the crazy wild child and I'm the laid back parent.

So me and Fred been talking pretty regularly now. I can actually IM him without being scared and waiting hours until I get the courage to. He actually told Tim he wished I didnt still do shit with Jeremy.
He said it makes being with me empty. Ok so Fred likes me. Me and Fred have been hanging out since Jeremy told me he never wanted to be with me again. Though now things have changed with Jeremy. And I dont know what to do about Fred cuz Jeremy still wont go out with me but I have more of a chance now. Now i feel like I'm juggling two guys which i hate doing. But I like hanging with Fred though Tim hates it. He feels like i forget about him when Fred is around. He hates Fred even though Fred basicly lives with him. idk idk

Jeremy is coming shortly so I can play with the Christmas gift I got him ROCK BAND 2!