Thursday, February 26, 2009

it just is

tomorrow is my birthday and I see I'm gonna be alone like always while everyone is with everyone else. I don't see much people as it is usually only tim and jeremy.

tim won't talk to me he's to busy being an asshole doing the usual thing he does when we fight. see that katie bitch do w/e he wants with her and everyone else. it makes me sick and hurts my feelings but he doesn't give a shit about me or how I feel.

anyways I have an exam today. which totally sucks so bad. and the fact no more video chats :( also sucks. My computer isn't really working on my iPod right now. I just threw up on myself really ducking gross. I couldn't stop coughing and that's basicly how that happened.

I'm hungry. I'm lonely. I'm hot. my hair is just gross and I'm sick of vomit. I'll be better and so will Jaden. He fell asleep on the couch and I think my bed is safe enough to sleep on.