Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What Was I Put On Earth For?

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." ~ Dr. Suess

Sometimes things aren't what you hoped for and your at a point in your life where things should be different. I need something more than this, i can't live so little anymore. I may be young but everyone needs to grow up someday, sometime. Can't I ever want more for myself? Apparently not, I can't amount to anything. I will never be somebody. I will never marry anyone. I will never have more kids. I will never have a life I can be proud of. Why am I here? What was I put on Earth for? 
I don't understand why I am so not okay with this life.  Nothing good is said about me, I can't even have a decent relationship, and not sure how to be happy. 

"We all make mistakes.  The wise admit and learn from them.  The insecure deny them.  The foolish repeat them.  And the godly forgive them."

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

50 of the many reasons why i love Shirley Carmona from my boyfriend

1. her smile
2. her eyes and the way they light up for me
3. how happy she makes me
4. the way she teases me
5. how much she misses me when im gone
6. the way she makes me feel when im with her
7. her hair, specially when it gets messy
8. how she wore that school girl outfit for me
9. the way she hugs me and kisses me
10. how she always fits perfectly when we cuddle

‎11. how she loves my cornyness
12. the way she loves my pet name for her (love muffin)
13. the way she cooks for me
14. the way she keeps me fed even when she doesnt
15. how everytime i see her its like the first time everytime
16. how she can make sweatpants and a tshirt with no make up look sexy
17. how much sexier it is when she does dress up
18. her lips
19. the way she will dance around all silly in front of me
20. how well we get along, despite our differences

‎21. the differences we do have
22. how she has watched every episode of dragon ball Z
23. how she loves my guitar playing
24. how she will lounge around in her pjs all day with me
25. her pjs
26. all her hello kitty gear, mainly that hat
27. how she convinced me to get skype
28. the way she always falls asleep on me when we do skype
29. how i leave skype open when i fall asleep and wake up to her being there
30. the way she sings in spanish

‎31. how she says AIII instead of OWE when i bite her
33. how she is who she is, and doesnt apologize to anyone
34. how absolutely adorable she is
35. how she makes me feel so wanted
36. how easy she is to scare
37. how kinky she is
38. how much time she spends on facebook games
39. the way she play fights with me
40. the way she actually fights with me sometimes

‎41. how we started dating
42. how she is still dating me
43. how she loves my beard
44. the way she flirts with me even tho she already has me
45. how we can talk for hours and hours and not get bored
46. how shes a nerd just like me
47. the way she wears my clothes when i leave em there
48. the way she kisses me
49. the way she tells me she loves me
50. how im so fucking in love with her