Wednesday, December 31, 2008

fuck today

Yea Yea u can say it. I told u so they u told me he isnt good for me. He's an asshole worthless mean but i never listen. I always say this time will be different hes not that bad. But its never different its always bad gets worst everytime. I dont know what to say anymore. I'm sick of saying the samething everytime. I'm sick of being the one who crys their eyes out. He feels nuthin. Everytime i see him I try to forget to pretend, and it usually works. Until he says he hates me and I make him miserable all the time. It cant be true cuz an hour before he was laughing and having a good time. He just wants to hurt me and he does. It's pointless loving someone like that. Just plain pointless.

Well this is 2008 a disappointment. Hopefully 2009 can make me happy.


littlegirllost said...

other people will never make you happy. you make you happy. remember that.

littlegirllost said...

look i don't know you but that jeremy gut dounds like an idiot. you are way to good to be treated like that. find a man who loves you and your baby. not someone who loves you once in awhile.